Tuesday, September 28, 2010


About 2000
Baby shower for Fadra with Jeanann

Party at the Howards
John, Tommee, James, Billie Win

Jesse and Emily came from Pennsylvania

Bryan built a giant dogman effigy

Birthday in the Big 6 Room at the Eldridge
Betsy, Tim and Marty


Pam, John and Carol in the Big 6 Room

Cuz, Bob and Janet are having fun

Saturday, September 25, 2010

These Moved Me

The Spencer Museum of Art has extended Dalton's memorial exhibit until October 3rd. Tim sent photos he's taken of the show.

These Moved Me.
A few years ago Sepncer Museum curator Steve Goddard asked artist, musician and thinker, Dalton Howard (1943-2010) to list his favorite artists. The list he jotted down after much reflection was not just a run down of Howard's influences, but a thoughtful pairing of figurative artists with abstract artists. As it turned out, a number of the artists were represented in the Spencer's collection by works that are wonderful to see together, and the idea of an exhibit emerged. Exhibited here is a selection from Howard's list, with several of his own works from area collections displayed in the center of the gallery.
Since 1992 Howard's "day job" was serving as a security officer at the Spencer Museum of Art. This exhibition is offered in celebration of the many ways he touched members of our local arts community.

David Hockney

Hans Hoffman

Three of Dalton's pieces

Philip Guston

For more pictures of the show see the August 25th posting:

Friday, September 24, 2010

In the Sixties

Dalton as a soldier

Brenda and Dalton


Ray, Jesse and Jon

Off to Vietnam: John and Dalton

Buying hats in Scranton: Hixons, Ray and Tom

Pete on Rhode Island Street

Pam at the races
Tom on a Packard

Nade and Wils


Monday, September 20, 2010


Tom and Wilson on the front porch on Rhode Island Street about 1966


Judy Heiser, Ray and John
about 1970

John about 1980



Thursday, September 16, 2010


John and Dalton decorated a guitar cake for Billy's birthday one year.

Below: Sue and Jim's wedding cake and the artists Barbara, Bryan and Christy.
Charles to the left.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

More Art

Matched Set 1985

Radio Room 1978

These are mostly from Tim's photos

Red Tattoo 2008

Sunday Page 1980

Portrait by Ray

Tang Thang 1980

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Hobo Portraits

The Hobos entertained at the Vinland School and received several thank you letters. Sue and McCrary saved their favorites. The one above from Kristen said, "I am going to wish for a guitar for Christmas."

Tyler wrote:
"Dear, Billy I liked your singing it was awsome. But my ear drums almost fellout of my ears. But the songs wher great."

Chelsea said, "Here is a picher of you!!"

This one by Michael looks to be a portrait of his Uncle James.